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3rd Annual Native Financial Education Practitioners Summit

April 26, 2023



Join Allegra and Havell on a session to talk about Entrepreneurship through Acquisition as a path to asset ownership

Join the Oweesta team for the annual Summit. We will be joined by leaders in the Native financial education field sharing information on meeting your community’s financial education needs. Last year, the Summit delivered timely and relevant topics around credit action planning, Indigenous energizers for Native training, and best practices for building and maintaining a thriving VITA site.

Description: Learn about entrepreneurship through acquisition as a way to promote small business "asset" ownership among Native American communities. Understand some of the non-extractive financing models (such as revenue-based financing models) and technical resources available to native Americans to acquire and run existing small businesses, from traditional white-male business owners who are retiring. See examples of how this low risk model to entrepreneurship (as opposed to traditional startup entrepreneurship) creates generational wealth that helps close the wealth gap.


No matter who you are, we invite you to join us on this journey.

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