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Crowdfunding – Raising Capital for your GP

October 26, 2022


NMC to speak at a special webinar on “Crowdfunding – Raising Capital for your GP"

CDVCA Community Development Venture Capital Alliance

NMC is pleased to announce our partiicpation in a special webinar on “Crowdfunding – Raising Capital for your GP” on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, from 4pm to 5pm ET.  

The CDVCA Peer Group is a network of experienced and emerging fund managers focused on increasing the number of diverse and emerging asset managers investing in businesses to create quality jobs and productive wealth in low-income communities.   
We are delighted to explore this topic deeper in today's webinar with three distinguished and experienced panelists. 

  • Christie Pitts, is General Partner at Backstage Capital ( Christie and her team successfully raised $5m from crowdfunding for the GP in 2021. Christie will share her experiences and lessons from this raise and managing relationships with crowdfunding investors. 
  • Havell RodriguesCo-Founder at New Majority Capital ( Havell and his team are mid cycle of a crowdfunding raise and will share his funds' experiences, particularly with the current macroeconomic headwinds. 
  • Jenny Kassan, is a Board Member of the Crowdfunding Professional Association ( and the Owner of Kassan Group ( a law firm dedicated to supporting mission-driven funds to raise capital. Jenny was instrumental in working with Congress to design and draft the Jobs Act of 20212 and is a practicing Attorney in the field. Jenny brings a wealth of knowledge and experience on the rules and regulations you must consider as you seek a crowdfunding raise of your own. 

 Contact us at if you are not a member and would like to attend the event.


No matter who you are, we invite you to join us on this journey.

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